Phool Chatti Ashram

Phool Chatti Ashram Rishikesh

The Phool Chatti Ashram, Rishikesh is a slice of paradise. Located on the banks of the River Ganga at the Himalayan foothills, surrounded by mountain forests, the ashram is bliss for spiritual seekers.

Phool Chatti Ashram has been welcoming spiritual seekers. It is an ideal escapade for meditation, rejuvenation, and spiritual development for over 120 years. The tradition of service is continued and expanded under the guidance of Swami Ji, Swami Dev Swarup Nanda Ji.

The ashram has preserved its character to spiritual awakening and cleansing, yet it has modernized its infrastructure to provide comfort to its guests. The tranquil ambiance has been given the facility of electricity, western toilets, hot and cold water, and communications by phone and internet. The ashram has the balance of tradition alive alongside the conveniences of modern life.

People come to Phool Chatti Ashram for different reasons. Many come to experience the 7-day Yoga/Meditation Program and experience ashram life, while others come for the peacefulness available here to do their own personal practices.

Course Elements for 7 Day Yoga Courses

Meditation: Number of practices or techniques to quiet the mind and “be aware” in this moment.

Yoga Exercises (Asana Practice): Coordinating movement, balance, stretching and postures to obtain physical vitality, mental clarity and subtle body awareness.

Breathing Techniques (Pranayama): Linking of the mind, body, and breath through respiration control.

Neti Pot Cleansing: Technique for clearing the nasal and sinus passages with warm, lightly salted water.

Meditative Walks: Walking meditation is practiced with mindful awareness to nature and the present moment.

Mantra Chanting: Repetition of sacred Sanskrit sounds to enter into clearer states of consciousness.

Silence (Mauna): Participants will observe silence each day from morning up to 1 pm and at all meals.

Lecture and Discussion: Teaching and group discussion on ancient Yoga principles from Patanjali’s Yoga sutras.

Guided Mediation: Use of different mediums (spoken, music, chanting) to assist students in relaxation and stilling the mind for meditative states.

Prayer (Pooja) and Bhajans: Evening temple Pooja (worship) welcoming all faiths and religions followed by bhajans (sacred singing) around a fire with drums and percussion instruments.

Fire Ceremony (Havan): Sacred purification ceremony on final day of course where mantra is chanted 108 times.

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